【宠物用药溯源码】【10991 源码】【atan 源码】step7源码下载
在大模型训练的四个阶段中,强化学习阶段常常采用PPO算法,下载深入理解PPO算法与语言模型的源码融合可通过以下内容进行学习。以下代码解析主要参考了一篇清晰易懂的下载宠物用药溯源码文章。 通过TRL包中的源码PPO实现,我们来逐步分析其与语言模型的下载结合过程。核心代码涉及到question_tensors、源码response_tensors和rewards,下载分别代表输入、源码模型生成的下载回复和奖励模型对输入加回复的评分。 训练过程中,源码10991 源码trainer.step主要包含以下步骤:首先,下载将question_tensors和response_tensors输入语言模型,源码获取all_logprobs(每个token的下载对数概率)、logits_or_none(词表概率)、源码values(预估收益)和masks(掩码)。atan 源码其中,如果没有设置return_logits=True,logits_or_none将为None,若设置则为[batch_size, response_length, vocab_size]。
计算reward的过程涉及reference model和reward model,最终的奖励rewards通过compute_rewards函数计算,参考公式1和2。spydroid源码
PPO相较于TRPO算法有两大改进:PPO-Penalty通过拉格朗日乘数法限制策略更新的KL散度,体现在actor_loss中的logprobs - old_logprobs;PPO-Clip则在目标函数中设定阈值,确保策略更新的平滑性,pg_losses2(加上正负号)部分体现了这一点。 对于初学者来说,这个过程可能有些复杂,但理解和实践后,将有助于掌握PPO在语言模型中的应用。参考资源可继续深入学习。哪位大哥能给我一个基于IDEA算法的c或者c++的软件以及源代码啊
c++ code
// Project: Implementation of IDEA (International
// Data Encryption Algorithm)
// ECE Term Project
// Winter
// Author: Irwin Yoon
// Overview: This code does the following:
// - print out all encryption and
// decryption subkeys which are used
// in the encryption and decryption
// process
// - encrypts plaintext message
// - decrypts ciphertext message
// - shows detailed, round by round results
// (8 total)
// Program contains a user driven menu where the user can select
// initial -bit key and also select messages to decrypt
// and encrypt.
// Compiling: This has been verified to work on SunOS
// with g++ compiler (flop.engr.orst.edu).
// To Compile: g++ Idea.cpp -o Idea.exe
// Note: This code is a little sloppy. Coding could
// be made more efficient.
// Usage: Run executable with no arguments: Idea.exe
// Then select appropriate menu options
// main() is at the bottom of file!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#define NUMROUNDS 8
// I had problems if we use #define with
// these nums. Problem arose when taking
// mod of this number
unsigned int TWOPOWER = ;
unsigned int TWOPOWER = ;
unsigned int inputsize;
// all the subkey information
unsigned short esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS];
unsigned short dsubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS];
unsigned int origkeyint[4];
unsigned char origkeychar[];