3.求大神帮我写下这个C语言程序 把源代码回复给我 谢谢了!情源情软
然而,情源情软可以通过一些工具和技术来尝试理解和分析编译后的码行码代码,如使用反汇编器(如IDA Pro,情源情软 Ghidra, Radare2等)将可执行文件或库文件反汇编成汇编语言,然后通过阅读汇编代码来推断原始的码行码C代码逻辑。此外,情源情软还有符号恢复技术可以用来恢复一些函数名和变量名,但这通常需要额外的提交订单 源码符号表信息或调试信息。
结构化程序的C语言源代码主要由五大元素构成,分别是obs源码编译头文件、全局变量、函数声明、函数定义以及主函数。头文件承载了程序中所需库函数的声明,如stdio.h、stdlib.h等。全局变量,在程序外部声明,挪车 源码允许在整个程序范围内被访问使用。函数声明提供函数的简要描述,包括名称、参数类型和返回类型。函数定义则详细阐述了函数的实现,包括名称、参数类型、返回类型以及函数主体。linux 修改源码主函数作为程序的起点,承载了执行逻辑与调用其他函数的语句。这五大元素合理结合,构建出清晰、易于理解与维护的程序。
求大神帮我写下这个C语言程序 把源代码回复给我 谢谢了!
/* determine the amount of the change
change = (paid - check) * ;
determine the number of dollars in the change
dollars = change / ;
(1). Using the previous statements as a starting point, write a C program
that calculates the number of dollar bills( cents), quarters coins(
cents), dimes coins ( cents), nickels coins (5 cents), and pennies coins (1
cents) in the change when $ is used to pay a bill of $6..
(2) Using the C program to calculate the change when a check of $.
is paid using a $ bill.
#include "stdio.h"
void getChange(int paid, float bill)
if (paid < bill)
printf("Your money cant paid for the bill!\n");
int remain;
int dollor = 0,quarter = 0,dime = 0,nickel = 0,penny = 0;
remain = (paid* - bill*)+0.5;
dollor = remain/;
printf("Change Dollors: %d\n",dollor);
remain -= dollor*;
quarter = remain/;
printf("Change Quarters: %d\n",quarter);
remain -= quarter*;
dime = remain/;
printf("Change Dimes: %d\n",dime);
remain -= dime*;
nickel = remain/5;
printf("Change Nickels: %d\n",nickel);
remain -=nickel*5;
penny = remain;
printf("Change Pennys: %d\n",penny);
printf("Change finished!\n");
void main()
int paid;
float bill;
printf("Please input your Paid($):");
printf("Please input your Bill($):");
printf("Your change is: \n");
getChange(paid, bill);
/* Define constants for the calculator */
#define UP 0x
#define DOWN 0x
#define LEFT 0x4B
#define RIGHT 0x4D
#define ENTER 0x0D
/* Global variables */
double num1 = 0, num2 = 0, result = 0;
char str1[] = ".+-*/知消扒Qc=^%";
char cnum[5], str2[] = "", c;
int x, y, x0, y0, i, j, v, m, n, act, flag = 1;
/* Function prototypes */
void drawboder(void);
void initialize(void);
void computer(void);
void changetextstyle(int font, int direction, int charsize);
void mwindow(char *header);
int specialkey(void);
int arrow();
/* Main function */
int main() {
return 0;
/* Initialize the graphics system */
void initialize(void) {
int xasp, yasp;
GraphDriver = DETECT;
initgraph( &GraphDriver, &GraphMode, "" );
ErrorCode = graphresult();
if (ErrorCode != grOk) {
printf("Graphics System Error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(ErrorCode));
getpalette( &palette );
MaxColors = getmaxcolor() + 1;
MaxX = getmaxx();
MaxY = getmaxy();
getaspectratio( &xasp, &yasp );
AspectRatio = (double)xasp / (double)yasp;
/* Main calculator function */
void computer(void) {
struct viewporttype vp;
int color, height, width;
color = 7;
getviewsettings( &vp );
width = (vp.right + 1) / ;
height = (vp.bottom - ) / ;
x = width / 2;
y = height / 2;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar( x + width * 2, y, x + 7 * width, y + height );
setcolor( color + 3 );
rectangle( x + width * 2, y, x + 7 * width, y + height );
outtextxy(x + 3 * width, y + height / 2, "0.");
x = 2 * width - width / 2;
y = 2 * height + height / 2;
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color);
bar( x, y, x + width, y + height );
rectangle( x, y, x + width, y + height );
sprintf(str2, "%c", str1[j * 5 + i]);
outtextxy( x + (width / 2), y + height / 2, str2);
x += width + (width / 2);
y += (height / 2) * 3;
x = 2 * width - width / 2;
x0 = 2 * width;
y0 = 3 * height;
x = x0;
y = y0;
gotoxy(x, y);
m = 0;
n = 0;
strcpy(str2, "");
while ((v = specialkey()) != ) {
while ((v = specialkey()) != ENTER) {
putimage(x, y, rar, XOR_PUT);
if (v == RIGHT) {
if (x >= x0 + 6 * width)
x = x0;
x += width + width / 2;
if (v == LEFT) {
if (x <= x0)
x = x0 + 6 * width;
x -= width - width / 2;
if (v == UP) {
if (y <= y0)
y = y0 + 4 * height + height / 2;
y -= height - height / 2;
if (v == DOWN) {
if (y >= 7 * height)
y = y0;
y += height + height / 2;
putimage(x, y, rar, XOR_PUT);
c = str1[n * 5 + m];
if (isdigit(c) || c == '.') {
if (flag == -1) {
strcpy(str2, "-");
flag = 1;
sprintf(temp, "%c", c);
strcat(str2, temp);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar(2 * width + width / 2, height / 2, * width / 2, 3 * height / 2);
outtextxy(5 * width, height, str2);
if (c == '+') {
num1 = atof(str2);
strcpy(str2, "");
act = 1;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar(2 * width + width / 2, height / 2, * width / 2, 3 * height / 2);
outtextxy(5 * width, height, "0.");
if (c == '-') {
if (strcmp(str2, "") == 0)
flag = -1;
else {
num1 = atof(str2);
strcpy(str2, "");
act = 2;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar(2 * width + width / 2, height / 2, * width / 2, 3 * height / 2);
outtextxy(5 * width, height, "0.");
if (c == '*') {
num1 = atof(str2);
strcpy(str2, "");
act = 3;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar(2 * width + width / 2, height / 2, * width / 2, 3 * height / 2);
outtextxy(5 * width, height, "0.");
if (c == '/') {
num1 = atof(str2);
strcpy(str2, "");
act = 4;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar(2 * width + width / 2, height / 2, * width / 2, 3 * height / 2);
outtextxy(5 * width, height, "0.");
if (c == '^') {
num1 = atof(str2);
strcpy(str2, "");
act = 5;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color + 3);
bar(2 * width + width / 2, height / 2, * width / 2, 3 * height / 2);
outtextxy(5 * width, height, "0.");