【qqbot源码】【android视频源码分析】【java 源码获取 框架】zircon内核源码_zircon 内核

时间:2025-02-03 13:41:41 来源:山寨币交易平台 源码 编辑:聚星源码前台

3.当内核黑客遇上 Fuchsia OS (一)
4.Zircon - Fuchsia 内核分析 - 启动(平台初始化)
5.Zircon架构简单分析1: Overview

zircon内核源码_zircon 内核







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       从启动流程到系统运行的每一个环节,zircon的源码都隐藏着无尽的奥秘。我们将逐步揭示这些核心模块的工作原理,带你领略zircon内核的java 源码获取 框架精巧与深度。



       谷歌在操作系统领域的探索和创新尤为显著,从Android的崛起到Fuchsia OS的跨平台尝试,都体现了其战略布局和技术前瞻性。


       Chrome OS作为轻量级云操作系统,最初聚焦于Chromebook,通过持续更新,如允许离线编辑文档和与Android应用互联,逐渐稳固了其在PC市场的地位,目前份额为3.%。

       Fuchsia OS,作为谷歌的创新之作,采用微内核Zircon,起初瞄准的是物联网和嵌入式设备。尽管发展过程中面临挑战,但其模块化设计和跨平台兼容性预示了未来操作系统的发展趋势,对华为等厂商提供了借鉴和学习的可能。

       谷歌的操作系统发展策略,如抓住移动互联网爆发的时机,以及构建开源生态,都为其在全球市场中的cpp 开源项目源码领先地位奠定了基础。尤其是微内核架构,为Fuchsia OS和潜在的跨设备互联提供了技术支撑,展示了操作系统演进的前沿方向。

当内核黑客遇上 Fuchsia OS (一)

       Fuchsia OS 是一款通用的开源操作系统,由谷歌在 年左右开始开发。该系统基于 C++ 编写的 Zircon 微内核,设计重点在于安全性、可更新性和性能。它旨在为物联网、智能手机和个人电脑等连接设备的生态系统提供支持,因此特别关注安全性和可更新性。此操作系统支持 arm 和 x- 架构,并且正在积极开发中,作者决定对其进行安全实验。

       为了了解 Fuchsia OS 的设计概念,作者参考了 Fuchsia 的文档,该文档提供了一个教程,指导如何在 GNU/Linux 系统上构建 Fuchsia OS。尽管教程表示不支持非 Debian 发行版,作者并未遇到与 Fedora 相关的问题。此教程还包含了下载源代码和设置环境变量的说明。构建 Fuchsia OS 后,作者在 FEMU(Fuchsia 模拟器)中启动操作系统,并为它创建了“hello world”应用程序,即组件,以展示 Fuchsia 的灵活性。

       在探索 Zircon 内核开发工作流程时,作者发现 Zircon 源代码位于 zircon/kernel 子目录中,并在构建 Fuchsia OS 时编译。为了在 QEMU 中运行 Zircon,作者尝试使用 fx qemu -N 命令,但遇到了错误。经过调查,作者发现此故障发生在具有非英语控制台语言环境的机器上,并已找到了解决方法,成功启动了 Fuchsia OS。作者还展示了如何使用 GDB 调试 Zircon 微内核,并在遇到问题时调整了调试脚本以允许正常的调试操作。

       为了评估 Fuchsia OS 的安全性,作者启用 KASAN(Kernel Address SANitizer),这是一个运行时内存调试器,用于发现越界访问和释放后使用错误。作者构建了 Fuchsia OS 的核心产品,并在 Fuchsia 代码中添加了一个合成错误,以测试 KASAN 的效果。结果表明,KASAN 成功地捕获了内存访问错误,并通过崩溃回溯和异常处理提供了有价值的反馈,帮助理解 Zircon 内核的运行机制。

       总结,本文介绍了如何使用 Fuchsia OS、创建新组件、调试其 Zircon 微内核以及评估系统的安全性。接下来的文章将利用模糊测试(fuzzing)技术,尝试在 Fuchsia OS 内核中发现漏洞,并利用这些漏洞进行攻击。

Zircon - Fuchsia 内核分析 - 启动(平台初始化)

       Zircon, the kernel of the Google's Fuchsia operating system, derived from the Little Kernel, has added features such as MMU and system calls. It supports both X/X and ARM platforms, with the ARM example used in this analysis. The early startup process of Zircon and ARM platform initialization is handled through assembly code, as explained below. Please note that this analysis is presented under the assumption of ARM architecture and is based on the author's Android development background, which may contain errors due to limited knowledge in ARM.

       The ARM architecture introduces four exception levels (EL) to differentiate between system modes, with EL3 being the secure state and EL0 being the non-privileged mode. In system software, EL0 runs user programs, EL1 runs the operating system kernel, EL2 can be used for virtualizing multiple operating kernels, and EL3 acts as a secure monitor, managing secure state transitions between EL0 and EL1. The secure state influences the operation of multi-core processors, with ID 0 being the primary or bootstrap processor responsible for kernel initialization, and other processors handling their own configurations.

       On a multi-core processor, the code for initializing the system is often completed by the primary CPU core, and other cores need to be configured separately. The ARM MP architecture utilizes Inter-Processor Interrupts (IPI) for communication between cores, sharing a common memory bus and data with L1 caches typically exclusive to each core and L2/L3 caches shared among cores. All cores share the same I/O peripherals and interrupt controllers, with interrupts being distributed appropriately.

       For ARM architecture, specific registers are utilized, including those relevant to the code samples provided. The assembly code in this analysis highlights the process of identifying if the core is the primary one and the steps required for memory management. The code is position-independent and optimized for use in the early startup phase when the Memory Management Unit (MMU) is disabled, ensuring compatibility with physical addresses.

       The ARM architecture's exception levels and multi-core processing capabilities influence the Zircon kernel's startup process. The code snippet for identifying the primary CPU core demonstrates the use of registers like CPIDR_EL1 for determining if the core is the primary one. This determination is crucial for initializing the kernel without unnecessary configurations, as the primary core handles the initial setup.

       Upon identifying the primary core, the code proceeds to manage memory by obtaining base addresses and calculating the actual addresses of symbols. This step is necessary for accessing memory during the startup phase, as the MMU is not active. The assembly code simplifies this task through a macro, allowing for position-independent code execution.

       Further, the analysis covers the configuration of various exception levels, including EL1, EL2, and EL3. While EL2 is not extensively utilized in Zircon, its initialization involves setting values for secure state, Hyper-V Control, and instruction set configurations. EL3 primarily focuses on configuring secure state and other parameters for EL0 and EL1.

       The process continues with the mapping of kernel memory and creating a page table for the startup phase, ensuring that the necessary memory regions are mapped correctly. This involves identity mapping, kernel image mapping, and blob memory mapping, with the page table configuration requiring the CPU's stack pointer to be set. The mapping of kernel memory and initialization of the page table are critical steps for preparing the system for kernel execution.

       After the page table is configured, the MMU is opened, followed by cleaning up residual data in the MMU and cache to ensure a fresh state before entering the kernel code. Memory attributes are configured to assign specific properties to memory regions, influencing read and write strategies. Zircon's default memory attribute configuration is described, and the process of opening the MMU involves restoring the exception vector table and implementing a memory barrier to prevent interleaved execution.

       Stack management and protection are also addressed, with the stack being initialized and configured, followed by the setup of stack overflow protection. The code snippet for configuring stack guard pages helps in detecting stack overflow by triggering an exception when the stack is accessed beyond its designated area.

       Finally, the analysis discusses the preparation for entering the C world by setting the stack pointer in the virtual address space. The process concludes with the entry of the primary core into the C environment, marking the transition to higher-level language operations.

       This overview provides insights into the ARM architecture's role in Zircon's kernel startup process, emphasizing the importance of exception levels, multi-core processing, memory management, and stack protection in ensuring a smooth and secure initialization phase.

Zircon架构简单分析1: Overview


       Zircon的非标准目录结构与其功能密切相关,内核主要由C++编写,系统调用涵盖了钟控、睡眠、处理、通道等关键功能(clock, sleep, handle, object, channel 等)。其中,object类似DCOM的IUNKNOWN,用于对象管理和名称服务,handle用于用户态与内核交互。channel和socket分别支持报文和流式通讯,而Job、Task、Process和Thread则涉及调度概念。




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